Massage oil: Aphrodisiac

  • 13.99$

Dive into sensual awakening with our Aphrodisiac massage oil.
Expertly formulated by Olivia Cosmétique of Biocos Canada, this bewitching concoction is designed to rekindle passion and stimulate sexual desire.

Extra-light olive oil is combined with four essential oils renowned for their aphrodisiac properties: Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, Ginger and Cinnamon Cassia. Together, these natural ingredients create an intoxicating synergy that relaxes body and mind, while awakening the senses and stimulating desire.

This massage oil is perfectly suited to people looking for a natural solution to rekindle the flame of passion, while being sensitive to stress-related problems. Unlike chemical products, our formula offers a safe alternative with no side effects, for a safe, sensual experience.

The light, emollient texture of our massage oil guarantees rapid, deep absorption into the skin, without leaving a greasy residue. What's more, it's formulated not to stain sheets or clothing, allowing you to indulge in your sensations in complete tranquillity.

Be careful, however: due to the presence of cinnamon essential oil, this massage oil is not recommended for sensitive people, and should not be applied to mucous membranes. Consult a health care professional before use if you have any medical concerns.

Let yourself be swept away by the irresistible sensory experience of our Aphrodisiac massage oil. Turn every moment into a moment of complicity and passion, and rediscover the pleasure of the senses with Olivia Cosmétique from Biocos Canada.

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